Keara Lynne Hart - Online Memorial Website

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Keara Hart
Born in Colorado
30 years
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Memorial Book
Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am a diamond glint of snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awake in the morning hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft star shine at night. Do not stand by my grave and cry I am not there... I did not die.

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Keara Lynne Hart who was born in Boulder, Colorado on September 4, 1975 and passed away on April 5, 2006 at the age of 30. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.


0217 ~  0217  ~  0217  ~  0217  ~  0217  ~ 0217  ~  0217  ~  0217  ~  0217


You may view and print Keara's Memorial Book

It is impossible to express in words what Keara meant to us. She was and will always be our loving Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Niece, Cousin and above all else, our friend. We lost her way to soon. She leaves behind a piece of herself in all of us that love her and we will carry her with us always.

Keara was a special person with an enormous heart and kind spirit. She met many obstacles in her life, but she was strong and managed to always pull herself up. We are all so proud of what she was able to accomplish and the positive attitude she always seemed to have no matter what. She even began helping others to achieve what she had managed to achieve in her life.

She came into this world with her big beautiful blue eyes, adorable face and mischievous look. As a toddler she spent some time as a cat. She would crawl around on the floor meowing at everyone. Whenever we spoke to her during that time, we received a meow in return. It was so cute! She eventually returned to being a person and started growing so fast that her brother Wayne nicknamed her “Weed”. We all thought she would be the tallest one in the family.

Keara and her little sister Leigh were constant playmates growing up. No matter how many times they moved, they always had each other as friends. They loved to play outside together in their tree playhouse and hide out. They were inseparable. They had totally different personalities, but always got along together. As they got into their teen years, they started gaining their independence but Keara still let Leigh tag along with her even on dates.

Keara was also very close to her big sister Lauren and Lauren’s husband Karl who she has known since she was nine years old. She considered him a big brother. She came to live with them the summer she was 15 and got her first job. She was a bridesmaid in their wedding and even caught the bouquet. The old wive’s tale must be true because she was the next one to get married! Keara also spent time with them in California living with them as she began her recovery.
Keara also loved her big brother Wayne. He went off to college when Keara was only eight, but she always had fond memories of him. She loved to play with his big collection of Hot Wheels cars when he wasn’t looking. He always knew she had been into them because he always found her hair wrapped around the wheels. Even though she didn’t see him as much, she always talked about wanting to be closer to him. I know Keara would be so happy to see the way her big brother is taking care of her now.

We are so grateful for the fact that we got to see Keara come back from her rock bottom of 3 years ago to who she became. It is truly amazing that she was able to accomplish that and all with a loving heart and the smile she always wore. She had just begun her journey of giving back what she had been given in her second chance at life. In the process, she also gave those of us that love her a precious gift which was the gift of her love.

We never had to question Keara’s love for us. She told us in every conversation we had and there were many. Keara loved to talk! I’m sure for most of us, the last words we heard from her and the last words we said to her were “I love you”. We can take great comfort in the fact that those words were never left unsaid.

Keara also knew that she was loved. No matter where life took her, her family was there even when she probably wished we weren’t. We did not let her go through her struggles alone and never gave up on her. Keara made sure we knew how she felt about that. She told many of us several times over the past couple of years how much she appreciated us and, although unnessessary, she apologized for what she felt she had put us through.

We are not yet sure how to get through this life without Keara in it. Without chatting with her on the phone and hearing her voice and seeing her perpetual smile. But we know that even though we can no longer see her or hear her that she is always with us.
We take great comfort from her two precious children Justin and Tori. I know that they are part of Keara. You only have to look at their faces and know their personalities to see Keara in them. And she loved them with everything she had in her. She talked about them all the time and was so proud of them. We know she would want all of us to reach out to them and let them continue to feel her love through us. They are the gifts that Keara has left us. Love, Lauren & Leigh


Justin and Victoria Hart

C/O BB&T Bank

2111 S. Main Street

Goldston, NC 27352




Latest Memories
Darien Mama September 5, 2016
It has been a long  time since I've written anything here but it doesn't mean that I don't think of you. You are on my mind and in my heart every day. Yesterday was your Birthday and in the past i and your kids have gone to the cemetery but I couldn't reach them and I just couldn't seem to face going there alone. I hope you did get to celebrate with your other family members that are there with you. I thought about you all day and about the birthdays that we did spend with each other going back to the day you were born and I first got to see your beautiful face. I miss you so much Keara and I am grateful that you were in my life for 30 years but so sad that you are not here now. You would have been 41. I love you.
Mama Missing you March 7, 2015
I have had visions of you as a mother. I see the smile on your face when you looked at your children and the love in your heart.It is so wrong that they are having to grow up without you. You were just a baby on this earth yourself and when I allow myself to think about how you died I get so angry.The monster that killed you has privleges that the rest of us don't get for free.It's really hard for me to believe that there is a God that didn't stop this from happening.

I so want to believe that there is some kind of afterlife and that I will see you again. All of us were deprived from spending enough time with you. You were deprived of your life here. It makes me so sad and the tears continue. I love you my sweet and loving child.
Darien Mama August 25, 2014
My Birthday was yesterday and I missed you so much! It was a day that I always saw you. I did spend a good part of the day with Tori though. She is such a beautiful and kind girl.She has your smile and smiles often. She reminds me of you in so many ways both in looks and personality.

I have been having so many memories of you lately. A lot of when you were a little girl. You were so mischevious!! I used to worry about someone taking you when we went to shows because you were so friendly and never met a stranger. I remember the time that we were at a show and went to the bathroom. Mark was supposed to be watching you and Leigh and when I came back you were gone! I was frantic!! I ran all over looking for you and a saleswoman in Penney's siad she had seen you pushing the stroller. I finally found you in the rest room with women who thought I left you there. They were ready to call the police. I almost had a heart attack that day.

You were so beautiful and people would always comment on what a beautiful child you were. You grew up to become a beautiful and kind woman and contiued to never meet a stranger. I still worried about that because of your inability to see the bad side in people.

I miss you every single day and still cry every day. Your Birthday is soon and I always feel so sad at this time. I didn't see you on my Birthday and won't see you on mine. But I do see you in my head all the time. I wanted you to have many more Birthdays and still wish it had been me instead of you. You only got to be 30 and it is so unfair.

I love you Keara.

Darien Russell Medium June 3, 2014
I had another reading with a medium who last did one on your Birthday 7 years ago. She is amazing. She called Tenney by name and you said she sees you. It made me feel better to know that you are still around and know what is happening in your families lives. I love you.
Darien Mama June 2, 2013
When I held your new niece Tenney for the first time it brought me back to when I first held you. She is so beautiful and so were you. I hope you can see and watch over your new little niece. I am sure Lauren will tell her about you. I love you.

Latest Condolences
Family of Lisa Maas Happy Halloween October 31, 2014
Mom Mama September 4, 2013
Thanks for another beautiful kimi of Keara.It actually made me smile on this hard day. Love ya.
Jim's Mom Happy Heavenly Birthday September 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Sweet Angel
Jim's mom Keara's Angel Day April 5, 2013

Thinking of you Darien today and always,,,, sending much love and many hugs
Lauren For Justin & Tori April 4, 2013
I just wanted to say that your Mom would be so proud of both of you.  You are sensitive and caring like she was.  She would have hated knowing that she left you both so young.  I know that was never part of her plan.  She talked to me about you all the time.  I know she would want me to tell you this and how much she loved you.

Aunt Lauren 
Quick Gallery
Oct. 1, 2005 Three Sisters Rock City Keara, Leigh, Glenn Keara & Tori Lauren & Keara Keara Lauren Leigh Karl 2004 Disneyland with Jordan Lauren & Keara 2003 Keara & Heather hollywood 2003 1989 Fall Creek Falls Beach 1994 Keara & Leigh Keara & Anthony Keara & Grandpa