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Keara Hart
Né àColorado
30 years
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Livre Commémoratif
Shirley Silva Holiday Hugs December 17, 2011
Kathy Zinn Keara's birthday September 3, 2011
Hello Darien, I am Jennifer Zinn's mother-in-law - Jesse's mother.   I send you thoughts and prayers as you mark your precious daughter's birthday without her here to hug.   May friends and love and beautiiful memories of Keara surround you  this weekend, and always.  Blessings. Kathy Zinn
Shirley Silva July 4th July 2, 2011
Barb/Nicky's MOM Have a Blessed Mother's Day May 8, 2011
Atayan Angelika with love... April 27, 2011
i am pray for you girl.. sincerely from France.
Barbara Pisano Thank you so very much February 25, 2011
From where we reign,we thank you so
For your kind remembrance of us and our families below
We had a beautiful day,cause all were there
Yes you too,were with us, in mind,heart and prayer
As we are not forgotten,neither are you
We busy ourselves with much to do
New souls arrive on a daily basis
And we gather with them,cause their families they miss
We show them how love continues to grow
By connecting our loved ones to soften the blow
You see, their hearts are broken,they are in so much pain
And we rejoice when our efforts are not in vain
Continue to hold each other up,it's when we're happiest here
We relish the laughter ,never the tears

Thank you for everything,there was much joy in Heaven Love and God Bless
 Nicky and Angie and their families

daniels momma I've Earned My Wings February 24, 2011
I'm sorry mommy I left you so soon,
I was there when the angels woke you up
I know I was gone from the flash from the start,
Mommy Remember!
I'll always be in your heart.
I listen to you dearly, when you visit my grave.
Please don't cry, be sad. Continue to be brave.
I didn't mean to leave you so soon.
I was looking from heaven when everyone released their balloons.

There will always and forever be a part of me living in you.
I'll be waiting for you here, at the golden gate.
Time is ticking mommy, Please don't be late!
I long to embrace you in my arms.
Don't worry Mommy!
I'm at a place where there is no harm.
I've earned my wings. I live in the sky.
I'm watching everyday mommy so please don't cry!

Love, Your Daughter
Barbara Pisano Hope you can make it February 19, 2011
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Keara Happy Valentine's Day February 7, 2011


Jim's Mom Special Angel February 1, 2011
Condoléances totales: 163
Pages:: 17  « 1 2 3 4 5 »
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