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Keara Hart
30 years
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Elizabeth Brown Condolences from a Survivour January 15, 2007

I am very sorry to hear of your daughter's passing.  Please know that her spirit is always near, and that fellow survivours shall give her a voice and carry on her legacy.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours always.



Tracy Hommel From a Survivor........... January 15, 2007

To Darien and her family, you touched me deeply at the SOAR meeting when you shared your pain and Keara's story.  Please know that my heart and prayers are with you and your family, and know that the Survivors will carry on Keara's voice.  Thank You for giving me the permission to share her story, which I have done by putting it up on under Remember Our Names, and I have also shared it with my groups of Survivors.

  Darien, stand strong and know that many are here for you.  I hope through the SOAR group to get to know you better.

  My spirit and Prayers are with you during this time, as are so many others...........

Angel Hugs!

Tracy Hommel

Co-Owner/Web Developer of

Grandma To JUstin and Victoria October 28, 2006
I know that it is hard for you to let yoursekf feel the pain and anger that your mom's death has caused but it is normal to feel those feeling and to tell people and let it out. We all feel so angry and think terrible thoughts about Damego. It doesn't mean that you are a bad person. I hope especially for you Justin that you can let yourself cry and be angry> we all feel that and it's ok. I know that you wouldn't act on those feeling but I hope you can learn to let them out because they are there and it's not good to pretend that you don't feel them. It is better to deal with it now so you don't have a lot of problems later. I hope you know that I only say this because I love you very much and I want you to be Ok. I know that it is easier to pretend this didn't happen but it did and I know you are hurting inside. I love you both very much. Love, Grandma
Mom To My Children October 27, 2006
I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this nightmare in your life. It hurts so much to know how you are suffering. I wish that I could have saved Keara and saved you from this terrible pain. I not only grieve for Keara but also for how much you have been hurt. I love you all and wish that I knew a way to make it better but I don't Just know that I love you all very much and you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. Love, Mom
Lynette Peace!!!! October 3, 2006

I know right now it is very hard for you to get peace. But I am going to do all I  can for you to have the peace that you deserve. Nothing I can do will bring you back but I am going to make sure that your living with that devil  was not in vain.


You are always in my thoughts. Although I never met you but I have spoke to your mom and sisters. I know that you are wonderful just like they are.


Soon there will be peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For some reason I feel like you like to joke and have fun. I know that God is so happy to have you there with him. You  probably have him in cracking up laughing.

With your beautiful smile....


Until we meet in Paradise :)




Ray & Kathryn Justin, Tori and the entire family September 3, 2006

God has blessed your family with an abundance of wonderful memories to reflect on. Keara will forever live in our hearts and our memories as well. Justin and Tori have that same bright smile that Keara shared with everone she met. We are proud to have known Keara and will forever miss her. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Janet Spencer To Justin and Victoria August 17, 2006
After I wrote my previous prayer for your mother, I realized I had not included you two in my prayer that she watch over us. I deeply regret that and apologize for the oversight. I knew your mother when whe was just 6 years old! She was such a little dynamo...always running and jumping and just curious about everything. I will never forget seeing her and Leigh playing together all the time; those are the memories I have of her, and I treasure them. I just want you to know my heart is with you as you go through this very difficult time in your lives. Much love, Janet
Janet Spencer You are in my prayers August 17, 2006
Keara, I pray that your passage to the other realm, where we'll join you one day, was filled with the gentle, welcoming open arms of angels, ancestors and friends who have gone before; I pray that you now feel safe and loved, and far from the mundane struggles and fears of this earthly paradigm. I pray that in your newfound heavenly peace you will send us loving energy (as we do to you) and watch over us, especially your Mom (my dear friend), your siblings and their loved ones. They so much need to know that you are safe and at peace. I pray that the spiritual reason for all things will one day be made clear. Even though I haven't seen you for many years, I love you dearly, as I always have. Your friend, Janet
Heather Brown Seeing you.. July 20, 2006

Dearest Keara,

I come to this website often and although I have been unable to speak here, I know that you are aware of how often I think of you and see you.  The true beauty and wonderfully kind person that you are is reflected in so many ways each and every day.  I see you in the little kittens I work with.  I see you in the spirit of the volunteers I work with, who like you, are making the world a better place because they actually believe that they can do it!

Much of the family gathered recently, as Myra & the kids were in town and so were some of Grandpa's relatives from Florida.  I was SO happy when your Mom arrived with Justin & Tori!  Although it was painful to be there without you physically; I know you were there.  As I swam with Tori, she spoke of you and wore your smile.  As I sat watching Justin and Tori having fun with their cousins, splashing and laughing, I saw you everywhere and it brought me much comfort.

I miss you and love you very much and I thank you for shining your light in my direction when I momentarily loose my way.

Love, love, love, Heather

Jeanene Crawford My Friend July 2, 2006
Keara was a special person in my life.  She was my roomate at Freedom House and we remained friends until the end.  I lived not far from where Keara worked and so periodically I would stop in to see her and there was never a time that she wouldn't tell me that I just didn't know how special I was to her and how much she loved me. My heart aches for her MOM, Justin and Tori.  We had many talks about the love she had for her family.  There heavens are a brighter place because of Keara and my Heart goes out to her family.  God Bless and keep you
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