Dear Mom,
I Miss you very very very very very very very very very very much. I love you. I misss you. I hope you're happy. I hope you make friends. I remember going to Chuckie Cheese with you.
from Victoria your daughter
I was just remembering today the last conversation I had with you. It was on April 3, 2006. You had called and we talked about Justin & Tori coming out to visit us for their spring break in April. You were very excited about them coming. We also mostly talked about Justin and how concerned you were about his grades in school. You told me you were going to meet with his teacher on the 5th and wanted to know if I had any suggestions. You also asked if Karl & I could talk to him when he came out and I told you we would. Of course, we ended the conversation just like we always did by saying "I Love You". I'm so grateful for that! You did go to meet with Justin's teacher a couple of days later and that turned out to be your last day here. I want Justin & Tori to know just how much you loved them and how much you talked about them, worried about them and loved being their Mom.
Tonight I went to Fredom House and did a couple of groups. I felt you there and in the Women's House. They have a picture of you from your memorial service. It was so emotional for me remembering visitng you there. I know that you wanted to work there and help people and I am so glad to have the opportunity to do this for you. You are still helping people Keara and everyone there that knows you talked about how much they loved you. When I told your story everyone cried and so did I and they lined up to give me hugs. In doing that I know they were hugging you too.
Your light is very bright and I know that it shines in my heart and in everyone's that knew and loved you. I carry you with me every second of every day.
I remember how last year on my birthday you called me to wish me a Happy Birthday and to see if I had gotten anything from you yet. I said I hadn't. The next day I got two birthday cards from you and one of them had money in it that you told me to spend on something nice for myself. I just remember how sweet that was and how happy you seemed to be able to do that for me. I cherish that memory and especially today as I realize that you will never call me again on my birthday. You are with me in my heart though and I know that. I love you!
I was watching a movie the other day with Seanie and this song was on it. It reminded me of when we were kids and this song came out. You used to love both the song and the saying. You would write it on all the notes that you wrote to me, I think you even had a t-shirt that said it. It made me smile to think of you singing "Don't worry, be Happy".