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Keara Hart
30 years
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Keara & Leigh 1988
This was at my apartment in Chattanooga, Tn.  Mom, Keara & Leigh came to visit Karl & me there when I was a freshman in college.  Leigh had on her little sailor suit and looked so cute.  We all went to Rock City on Lookout Mountain that day.
Keara, Tori & Seanie
Another picture at our house in South Carolina of Keara with Tori & Seanie.  Keara just loved kids.  She was always holding them and playing with them.  Tori & Seanathon were inseperable when they were together!
Colorado Springs 1995
I love this picture!  This is from the trip that Keara, Jason and Justin took to visit us in our new house in Colorado Springs.  Their luggage all got lost, so Justin would fall asleep every night with one of Uncle Karl's socks since his blankie was in the lost suitcase.  They were there for 2 weeks and we had a great time sight seeing all over the state.  When I took them back to the airport, they missed their flight!  I don't think Jason has flown since. 
Boulder 1975
This is Wayne, Keara & I in front of our house on Edinboro in Boulder when Keara was a baby.  I remember being so protective of Keara when she was a baby.  I didn't want any of my friends to hold her.  I just wanted her all to myself.  We even shared a bedroom right from the start.  She was so cute!
Keara & a pile of kids
This is a picture of Keara, Justin, Tori & Seanie taken at my house in South Carolina.  The kids were all so cute and Keara always seemed to have at least one of them on her lap with a big smile on her face!
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