Keara Lynne Hart - Online Memorial Website

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Keara Hart
Born in Colorado
30 years
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The last few days I have been thinking of the holidays and being with you at those times ever since you were a baby until you turned into the beautiful young woman that you became. I have cried and cried. I would give anything to have been able to spend more time with you. I never knew you could miss someone as much as I miss you.My heart just aches and aches. I don't know why this had to happen. There are so many questions but no answers. One thin I know for sure is that my love for you will never die. I hope so much that when you were here you knew how much I love you. I miss you with every fiber of my being.
daniels momma


Have you ever wondered what makes the wind blow?
Could it be our loved ones blowing us a kiss?

Have you ever wondered what makes the stars shine?
Is it our loved ones keeping watch over us while we sleep?

Have you ever wondered what makes the skies cry?
Could it be our loved ones missing us?

Have you ever wondered what makes the sun shine?
Is it our loved ones giving us a warm hug?

Have you ever wondered what makes the ocean waves come pounding to shore?
Could it be our loved ones wanting to touch us once more?

There are so many of natures wonders and do we really know why?
Is there a higher power making sure we always remember the loved one we’ve lost and shall never forget

The state fair has begun and I have many memories of your visiting us there. I remember your trying to cut silhouettes and laughing at your efforts. I remember your taking the kids on the rides and how you would go on all the scary ones and enjoy every minute of it. I cherish the picture of you me Lauren and Leigh at the fair and wish we had been able to have many more of those moments. I miss you so much Keara.
I have been thinking today of your struggle with drugs and how you were able to get clean and stay sober. With so many people around you relapsing I worried that you would too. But you made up your mind and were so strong in your committment. You were able to help others with your sponsorship of them and I am so proud of you. I know if you were still alive you would have continued on that path and feel so sad that you weren't able to. I love you and am grateful for every minute I had with you, even the difficult ones.
Today I was thinking about you as a little girl and how we did a show where there were different animals. There was a guy that had a python and you leaned over and almost into the cage where he had it to pet it. Nobody else wanted to do that except you!! When he took it out and draped it on his neck you were right there while others just watched and were afraid but not you!! I miss you so much Keara.
Total Memories: 164
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