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Keara Hart
Родился вColorado
30 years
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Книга памяти
Remember riding those beat-down banana-seat bikes down the back roads in Leiper's Fork, to go to the store and spend all our money on candy? I'm not sure if it was your idea or mine, but buying each piece in a separate transaction so we wouldn't lose two extra pieces to increased tax...that was brilliant! I love you sister. The taste of Jolly Ranchers and FunDip will always remind me of you.
When I think of you which is all the time I think of how beautiful you were both inside and out and there is no way to describe the pain that your passing has left for all of us. I see Justin and Tori and my heart just breaks to see them growing up without you. My heart also aches to know how much Wayne, Lauren and Leigh miss you. This has changed our lives forever. I know that you would not to see any of us in this pain because you were such a kind, loving, sensitive person. I still wake up every morning wishing that the phone would ring and tthat I could hear your cheerful voice again. I try so hard to think of the good memories and separate those from the pain of losing you but so far I have not been successful. I hope someday that will happen. I still hear from people whose lives you have touched and there are people who I didn't even know that light candles on your website. That does my heart good to know how loved you were not only by us your family but by many others. I wish you could have continued with your life here. I know how many more lives you would have touched. I love you so much Keara and you will live in my heart forever. Mama
I remember the time that we were visiting Grandma & Grandpa in New York and you had come and asked me if you could borrow my hairspray. I told you that you could. Then Grandma came into the dining room where Mom and I were at the table and said she didn't realize that you had gray hair. Mom told her that you had always had some gray hair even when you were really little. Then you walked in. We all started laughing because instead of spraying hairspray in your hair, you had sprayed deodorant and you had white patches of hair! That was so funny:)
I remember when you were a little girl and we went to a show in a mall and you came back from the "bathroom" with some M&M's. I asked where you got them and you told me you had taken them from the store. I made you bring them back and tell the lady at the counter that you had taken them. You were so embarrassed. I also remember when you were 5 and would come home from school and get the ferret where it slept by the water heater. You would carry it with your hand under his neck and his body just hanging down. Ferrick the ferret loved you. You were so sad when he got away.
There is not a day or a minute that goes by that you are not right here with me in my heart and mind.It is almost three years since you died and I find that so hard to believe. In fact a lot of the time I can't believe that you are gone. I just want you to walk in the house like you used to. I am not sure what I think about an after life but I hope there is one because I didn't have enough time with you. I was supposed to die first. I never thought that I would outlive you and it just feels so wrong. You were so full of life and had so much love in you and I hate it so much that your life was taken. You were robbed of your life and so were those of us that love you. I love and miss you so much Keara and I hope you are somewhere that you know that. Mama
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